Maternity Plan vs Integrated Shield Plan [2024]

Maternity Plan vs Integrated Shield Plan

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Maternity Plan vs Integrated Shield Plan

Ever found yourself wondering about the nitty-gritty of maternity insurance or the ins and outs of integrated shield plans in Singapore?

Given that I’ve navigated the labyrinth of health insurance in Singapore firsthand, I’ve got some insights that just might help you out.

In this post, you’ll discover:

  • The lowdown on maternity insurance plans and why they might be a lifesaver
  • A simple explanation of integrated shield plans and how they complement MediShield Life
  • Tips on choosing the right plan for your needs and how to make sense of the premiums


With healthcare costs on the rise and the unpredictability of life events, getting the right coverage is more crucial than ever.

So, whether you’re a soon-to-be parent fretting over maternity coverage or someone curious about beefing up their health insurance, keep reading.

This might just be the guide you’ve been looking for.

TL;DR: Maternity Insurance Plan vs Integrated Shield Plan

Feature Maternity Insurance Plan Integrated Shield Plan
What is it? A specialised insurance plan designed to cover pregnancy-related complications, childbirth, and early life of the newborn. An enhancement to the basic MediShield Life plan, providing additional coverage for higher ward classes and private hospital treatment.
How does it work? Pays out for specific conditions and events related to pregnancy and childbirth, including complications, hospital stays, and newborn care. Supplements MediShield Life coverage, paying additional costs beyond what the basic plan covers for hospital stays and treatments.
Who’s covered? The expectant mother and her newborn baby. The policyholder, which can be extended to cover family members, depending on the policy.
When can you buy? Usually from the early stages of pregnancy until a certain point before the expected delivery date. Anytime, though it’s beneficial to purchase before any health issues arise to ensure coverage.
How long does it last? 2 to 3 years, but the coverage is typically for the duration of the pregnancy and a specified period after childbirth. Coverage is ongoing as long as premiums are paid, often with renewals on an annual basis.
How often are premiums paid? Usually a one-time premium for the coverage period. Premiums are paid annually, and the amount can vary based on the plan and additional riders included.

What is maternity insurance?

What is maternity insurance, you ask?

Simply put, it’s a safety net for expectant mums (and dads, too).

You might think, “I’ve got medical insurance; why add more?”

But here’s the thing, regular health insurance may cover you broadly, but maternity insurance is like that extra layer of padding tailored for both you and your little one’s specific journey from bump to cradle.

Maternity insurance steps up where your standard health plan might hesitate, covering those unexpected twists that can pop up during pregnancy or after delivery.

From prenatal hiccups to postnatal care, it’s designed to handle the unique costs that come with bringing new life into the world – like neonatal care if your bundle of joy decides to make an early entrance.

But the commitment isn’t forever; you typically get on board during the second trimester, and coverage runs for a set period after birth.

Here’s an in-depth post we have on maternity insurance.

What does a maternity insurance plan usually cover?

Coverage for Mother

A maternity insurance plan is meticulously designed to offer comprehensive coverage for expectant mothers, safeguarding against a spectrum of pregnancy-related complications.

Depending on the policy, these plans provide both financial and emotional peace of mind during and after pregnancy, covering:

  • Pregnancy complications benefit from conditions such as:
    • Abruptio Placentae
    • Amniotic Fluid Embolism
    • Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
    • Fatty Liver of Pregnancy
    • HELLP Syndrome
    • Placenta Increta/Percreta
    • Postpartum Haemorrhage requiring Hysterectomy
    • Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia
    • Still Birth
    • Uterine Rupture
  • Lump sum payout for Death or Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Daily cash benefit due to hospitalisation from pregnancy complications
  • Coverage for additional conditions, including:
    • Lactation Mastitis
    • Postnatal Anaemia
    • Inpatient Psychiatric Treatment
    • Puerperal Pyrexia
    • Pulmonary Embolism
    • Repair of 4th Degree Perineal Tear
    • Septic Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
    • C-Section Surgical Site Infection
    • Uterine Infection/Transfusion from Retained Placenta


Coverage for Newborn Babies

A maternity insurance plan not only provides crucial support during pregnancy but also extends its protective arm to cover an array of conditions and situations affecting newborn babies.

From serious congenital illnesses to common postnatal conditions, the plan aims to alleviate the financial stress on parents, ensuring the best possible care for their new bundle of joy.

Coverage for newborn babies includes:

  • Congenital illnesses benefit from conditions such as:
    • Absence of 2 Limbs
    • Anal Atresia
    • Atrial Septal Defect
    • Biliary Atresia
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Cleft Palate/Lip
    • Club Foot
    • Congenital Cataract
    • Congenital Blindness
    • Congenital Deafness
    • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
    • Congenital Hip Dislocation
    • Down’s Syndrome
    • Infantile Hydrocephalus
    • Retinopathy of Prematurity
    • Spina Bifida
    • Tetralogy Fallot
    • Transposition of Great Vessel
    • Truncus Arteriosus
    • Ventricular Septal Defect
    • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
    • Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
  • Lump sum payout for Death
  • Daily cash benefit due to congenital illnesses (Hospitalisation benefit)
  • Coverage for conditions such as:
    • Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease
    • Incubation of Newborn (3 Days+)
    • Pneumonia
    • Bronchitis
    • Premature Birth
    • Dengue Fever
    • Severe Neonatal Jaundice


What is an Integrated Shield Plan?

MediShield Life

MediShield Life is the cornerstone of health insurance in Singapore – think of it as the trusty defender against sky-high medical bills.

It’s a bit like having a goalkeeper who’s always on duty; it ensures no Singaporean is left fending for themselves when unexpected illnesses strike.

Every Singaporean and Permanent Resident is automatically enrolled – no ifs or buts – and it stays with you for life.

Whether you’re born with a health condition or develop one later, MediShield Life’s got your back.

It covers a portion of your hospital bills and selected outpatient treatments, even for those big-ticket items like surgeries or prolonged hospital stays.

But here’s the issue — it’s got limits.

MediShield Life aligns with treatments and stays in Class B2/C wards in public hospitals.

There are also limits to maternity-related conditions covered by MediShield Life.

If you fancy a more ‘private’ experience or need a broader range of medical services, that’s where an integrated shield plan would come in to elevate your cover.

Integrated shield plan (ISP)

If you’re a Singaporean, you’ve probably heard of it tossed around in conversations about healthcare.

It’s essentially your standard MediShield Life plan, but with a bit of oomph added to it.

Think of MediShield Life as the base coat of paint on a wall, essential but basic.

An integrated shield plan, however, is like adding a layer of your favourite colour on top – it gives you more options and covers more ground.

ISPs are offered by private insurers and are designed to complement your MediShield Life plan, covering you for a higher ward class in public hospitals or even private hospitals if that’s what you fancy.

What does this mean for you?

Well, it’s all about choice and comfort.

If you’d rather not share a room with others while you’re in a hospital or you prefer the added attention you might get in a private hospital, an ISP’s got you covered.

And because it builds on your existing MediShield Life coverage, it’s a bit like upgrading your airline seat – you still get to the same place, but with more legroom and a better in-flight meal.

Now comes the question, do shield plans cover pregnancy?

When it comes to pregnancy, shield plans do not typically cover routine pregnancy-related expenses, such as prenatal check-ups, delivery costs, or normal childbirth.

These expenses are generally considered part of the normal life stage and not unforeseeable medical events that require insurance coverage.

However, complications arising from pregnancy might be covered under certain conditions.

For instance, if there are severe complications during pregnancy or childbirth that require hospitalisation, a shield plan may cover the hospital bills associated with these complications.

The specifics can vary significantly between different shield plans and insurers.

For example, conditions such as eclampsia (severe high blood pressure leading to seizures in pregnancy) or emergency caesarean sections might be covered, depending on the terms of your specific shield plan.

It’s crucial to review your policy details or consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage for pregnancy-related complications.

Sounds good, right?

Well yes, but the problem with shield plans is that it only applies to the mother.

You will have to buy a separate policy for your newborn to get this coverage.

Is it necessary to have maternity insurance?

Having maternity insurance is highly advisable for expectant mothers seeking peace of mind for pregnancy-related risks.

However, deciding whether to purchase maternity insurance is a significant consideration for expecting parents in Singapore.

This decision hinges on various factors, including your financial situation, risk tolerance, and the types of coverage you deem essential.

It’s best to consult a financial advisor to understand if you should get maternity insurance.

Which maternity plan is best in Singapore?

Determining the best maternity plan in Singapore hinges on individual needs and preferences.

However, popular options often feature comprehensive coverage for prenatal complications, delivery, and postnatal care for both mother and child.

It’s essential to compare plans from reputable insurers – focusing on benefits, premiums, and exclusions to find the one that aligns with your specific requirements.

I suggest reading our post on the best maternity plans in Singapore to understand your available choices.

After doing so, you should consult a financial advisor to help you select the best policy based on your needs.


And there we have it, a whirlwind tour through the world of maternity insurance and integrated shield plans.

From the snug coverage of maternity insurance that keeps both mum and baby safe to the beefed-up protection of ISPs that give you the freedom to choose your comfort level in healthcare, we’ve covered a fair bit of ground, haven’t we?

Remember, while these plans offer more than just a safety net, finding the right fit can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube with your eyes closed.

It’s all about matching your needs with what’s out there, and sometimes, we all need a bit of a nudge in the right direction.

Feeling a tad overwhelmed?

Don’t fret.

If all this talk of insurance has your head spinning, we’ve got just the thing.

Our financial advisor partners are on standby, ready to chat and help you untangle any knots, free of charge.

Think of them as your financial GPS, guiding you through the maze of options to find the perfect plan for you and your family.

So, don’t let the confusion hold you back.

Reach out, have a chat, and take the first step towards securing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

After all, knowing you’re covered is one less thing to worry about, right?


Picture of Firdaus Syazwani
Firdaus Syazwani
Twenty years ago, Firdaus's mother bought an endowment plan from an insurance agent to gift him $20,000. However, after 20 years of paying premiums, Firdaus discovered that the policy was actually a whole life plan with a sum assured of $20,000, and they didn't receive any money back. This experience inspired Firdaus to create, so that others won't face the same problem of being misled or not understanding what they are purchasing – which he sees as a is a huge problem in the industry.

Disclaimer: Each article written obtained its information from reliable sources and should be purely used for informational purposes only. The information provided by Dollar Bureau and its affiliated parties is not meant to be construed as financial advice. Dollar Bureau shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies, mistakes, omissions, and losses incurred should you act upon any information listed on this website. We recommend readers to seek financial planning advice from qualified financial advisors. 

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