PSEA Account: Interest Rate, Top Up, How To Check, and More!

PSEA Account: Interest Rates, Top Ups, How To Check Balances, and More!

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psea account guide

Embarking on the journey of post-secondary education in Singapore can feel like setting sail on uncharted waters.

Having navigated these waters myself, from the anxious moments of planning my education to the exhilarating experience of going on an exchange programme, I’ve come to appreciate the lifeline that is the Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) Scheme.

It’s a unique Singaporean privilege that many of us might not fully understand or utilise to its maximum potential.

Did you know, for instance, that not using your PSEA funds wisely could mean missing out on a wealth of educational opportunities, akin to leaving money on the table?

In this post, you’ll discover:

  • The essentials of what the PSEA account is and its benefits.
  • How to check your PSEA account balance and make the most out of the funds.
  • The possibilities it opens up, including using it for exchange programmes.
  • Practical steps on how to use your PSEA funds effectively.


Whether you’re a student planning your next educational move, a parent pondering over your child’s future, or simply curious about how to leverage this unique account, this guide is tailored for you.

What Is The PSEA Account?

The PSEA Account is part of the Singapore government’s master plan to ensure that every Singaporean has a shot at post-secondary education without the worry of financial barriers standing in their way.

Administered by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the PSEA is automatically opened for all eligible Singaporeans.

The funds in your PSEA can be used for various educational purposes – similar to your Edusave Account.

In fact, when your Edusave Account closes, it will be transferred to your PSEA Account!

So whether you’re eyeing that diploma course at a polytechnic, a degree from one of Singapore’s autonomous universities, or even certain approved courses at private institutions, your PSEA funds have got your back.

And it’s not just about covering tuition fees; these funds can also be used for other school-related expenses, ensuring that your post-secondary education journey is as smooth as possible.

But here’s the kicker: the PSEA isn’t just a one-trick pony. If you’ve got siblings, you can use your PSEA funds to support their educational adventures.

Likewise, you can use your siblings’ PSEA funds for your education, too!

PSEA account interest rate

The PSEA account offers you a 2.5% interest rate per annum. This interest rate means that your PSEA funds aren’t just sitting there, gathering dust.

Instead, they’re slowly but surely growing, giving you a bit more financial muscle to flex when it comes to covering your educational expenses.

Let’s put it into perspective with a bit of simple math.

Imagine you’ve got a sum of money in your PSEA that you don’t touch for a year.

With an interest rate of 2.5%, that sum is going to grow, all on its own, without you having to lift a finger.

It’s pegged to the interest rate of the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Ordinary Account, ensuring that it remains competitive and in line with the broader financial landscape in Singapore.

So What Can I Use The Money In My PSEA Account For?

Alright, let’s dive into the exciting part – spending the treasure that’s been accumulating in your Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA).

Here’s MOE’s post on what you can use PSEA for, but let me give you a quick overview:

  1. Tuition Fees: This one’s a no-brainer. The bulk of your PSEA funds will likely go towards paying for tuition fees. Whether you’re enrolled in a polytechnic, a local university, or any of the other approved institutions, your PSEA is ready to step in and lighten the load on your wallet. JC and Millenia Institute students, sorry but you can’t use the PSEA for your tuition fees.
  2. Miscellaneous Fees: Beyond tuition, there are always those pesky additional charges – think lab fees, library fees, or even that special workshop your course requires. Good news! Your PSEA can cover these too, making sure you’re all set for a smooth academic experience.
  3. Approved Courses Outside the Norm: Got your eye on a special course that’s not part of your main curriculum? If it’s on the list of approved courses, your PSEA can fund that too.
  4. SkillsFuture Courses: There are over 13,000 SkillsFuture courses that are currently accepting PSEA payments.
  5. Sibling Support: If you have siblings who are also pursuing their studies, you can use your PSEA funds to support their educational expenses as well. I’m fortunate enough that I was able to use my brother’s PSEA account to help pay off my university fees — trust me, it took a huge load off my shoulders.
  6. Repaying Education Loans: If you’ve taken out government education loans, your PSEA can be used to repay these loans. It’s a way to ensure that the debt doesn’t hang over your head like a dark cloud, allowing you to focus on what’s important – your education.
  7. Other Approved Charges: From overseas study programs to special school projects, if it’s education-related and gets the nod of approval, your PSEA can likely cover it. It’s about making sure that every aspect of your learning journey is within reach.


In essence, the PSEA is your educational sidekick, ready to swoop in and take care of a wide range of expenses.

Just remember to check that what you’re eyeing is on the list of approved uses – after all, even the most versatile sidekick has its limits.

How Do I use the PSEA account funds?

Whether you’re looking to make a one-off payment for a special course or set up something more regular, like tuition fee payments, here’s how you can unlock those funds.

Ad Hoc Usage

Got your eye on a particular course? This is where ad hoc withdrawals come into play.

  1. Identify the Expense: Make sure the expense is covered under the PSEA’s allowable uses. It could be anything from course fees at approved institutions to other education-related expenses.
  2. Fill Out the Form: You’ll need to complete the PSEA ad hoc withdrawal form. This form is your ticket to accessing your funds, so fill it out with all the necessary details of the payment you’re looking to make.
  3. Submission: Once your form is filled and ready, submit it to the Ministry of Education (MOE) or the institution (if they handle PSEA transactions directly).
  4. Wait for Processing: After submission, there’s a bit of a waiting game as your application is processed.


Establish A Standing Order With MOE

For recurring expenses, such as regular tuition fees, establishing a standing order with MOE is like setting up a direct debit. It’s a set-and-forget approach that ensures your fees are taken care of automatically.

  1. Check Eligibility: First up, ensure that your expense is eligible for payment via a standing order. This is typically for recurring educational expenses.
  2. The Form: Grab the standing order form. This form is your bridge to hassle-free payments, allowing you to focus more on your studies and less on administrative tasks.
  3. Fill and Submit: Complete the form with all the required details, including your PSEA account information and the details of the recurring payment. Once done, submit it to MOE for processing.
  4. Confirmation: Keep an eye out for confirmation from MOE that your standing order is set up. Once confirmed, your payments will be automatically deducted from your PSEA account as scheduled.


How to check your (or your child’s) PSEA account balance?

Here’s how you can check your balance, step by step:

Step 1: Call MOE’s Hotline

Grab your phone and dial the 24-hour automated PSEA hotline at 6260 0777. It’s your direct line to uncovering your balance, available anytime, day or night. Think of it as calling up a friend who keeps track of your educational savings.

Step 2: Listen In

Once you’ve called in, the automated voice will guide you through the options. Select the one that lets you inquire about your PSEA balance. Then, just listen as the system reveals the magic number – the current balance in your account.

Step 3: Authentication

You’ll be prompted to enter your NRIC or Birth Certificate Number for verification purposes.

Step 4: Note It Down

It might be a good idea to jot down your balance or keep a mental note of it, especially if you’re planning your educational expenses. Knowing your balance helps you make informed decisions about how to use your funds effectively.

PSEA Account Hack: How To Maximise Your PSEA Account?

Here are some PSEA account hacks to ensure you’re squeezing every bit of value out of it.

1. Plan Your Educational Journey Wisely

First off, map out your educational path. Are there specific courses, seminars, or workshops you’ve got your eye on?

By planning ahead, you can ensure that your PSEA funds are allocated to opportunities that not only interest you but also add significant value to your personal and professional growth.

2. Keep an Eye on Eligible Expenses

Not all expenses can be covered by your PSEA, so it’s crucial to know what’s in and what’s out.

Tuition fees, miscellaneous school fees, and approved courses are generally fair game.

By focusing your funds on these eligible expenses, you ensure that your PSEA is being used efficiently, much like using a precision tool rather than a sledgehammer.

3. Consider Your Siblings

Got a brother or sister also walking their educational path? Your PSEA can be a beacon of support for them too.

By letting your siblings use your PSEA, you’re not just helping them out; you’re also ensuring that your family maximises the collective benefit of these accounts. It’s a team effort where everyone wins.

4. Maximise Interest Accumulation

The PSEA offers a tidy interest rate of 2.5% per annum, which is nothing to sneeze at.

If you’re not planning on using your funds immediately, let them sit and accumulate interest.

Over time, this can add a nice little boost to your account balance, giving you more financial firepower when you need it.

5. Use It Before You Lose It

Remember, your PSEA isn’t forever. Once you hit the age of 30, any remaining funds will be transferred to your CPF Ordinary Account.

While that’s not a bad thing, it does mean you’ll lose direct access to those funds for educational purposes.

So, if you’ve been eyeing that certification or diploma, now’s the time to make your move.

I used up all my PSEA funds (and my brother’s) to pay for my university tuition fees, which took a lot off my shoulders when it came to paying back my loans.

However, I personally wished I had gone for all the school activities and enrichment programmes as they were affordable, many of which were not offered elsewhere apart from my school.

Yes, I had lesser loans to pay, but I value education and enrichment more as the tuition loan can be paid over 20 years, while these opportunities were not available to me anymore.

To each their own.

6. Top Up Your Child’s CDA Account

Parents, if you’re aiming to optimise your child’s PSEA account, one effective strategy is to prioritise maximising your child’s Child Development Account (CDA) from a young age.

The CDA forms a crucial component of the government’s baby bonus scheme.

Upon having a child, you’ll receive an initial grant of $3,000 for their CDA.

Furthermore, the government matches all contributions made to your child’s CDA on a dollar-for-dollar basis.

These funds are subsequently transferred to your child’s PSEA account when they reach 13 years old, giving your child more funds for their education.

When must I use my PSEA account funds by?

You must use your PSEA account funds before you turn 31 years old. At this age, any unused funds remaining in your PSEA will be transferred to your Central Provident Fund (CPF) Ordinary Account. While this transfer supports your long-term financial health, it does mean the funds are no longer earmarked specifically for educational purposes.

Can PSEA be used for exchange?

Absolutely, your Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) can indeed be used for exchange. However, you have to make sure that the exchange programme is PSEA-approved.


And there we have it, folks — a whirlwind tour through the ins and outs of your Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA).

From the basics of what it is and its nifty interest rate to the exciting possibilities it opens up for your educational journey, including going on exchange programmes, we’ve covered how to tap into these funds, ensuring you’re making every dollar count towards building a brighter future.

Whether it’s covering tuition fees, supporting a sibling’s education, or even jetting off on an educational adventure abroad, the PSEA is here to make sure financial hurdles don’t hold you back.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the information?

Wondering how to make the best use of your PSEA or how it fits into your (or your child’s) broader financial plan?

Don’t fret! Our financial advisor partners are just a chat away.

They’re here to help you navigate your educational financing options, ensuring you’re set for success.

And the best part? You can talk to them for free.

So, why not give it a shot?

Reach out and take the first step today.


Picture of Firdaus Syazwani
Firdaus Syazwani
Twenty years ago, Firdaus's mother bought an endowment plan from an insurance agent to gift him $20,000. However, after 20 years of paying premiums, Firdaus discovered that the policy was actually a whole life plan with a sum assured of $20,000, and they didn't receive any money back. This experience inspired Firdaus to create, so that others won't face the same problem of being misled or not understanding what they are purchasing – which he sees as a is a huge problem in the industry.

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