What To Do After Retirement in Singapore: 14 Ideas [2024]

What To Do After Retirement in Singapore: 14 Things You Can Try!

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Retirement…a time you think of freedom and the future. After a successful working life in Singapore, where do you want to focus your energy next?

Are you ready to explore new interests or rekindle old ones, while still enjoying the comforts of home?

Now that your career is behind you, modern retirement in Singapore offers countless opportunities for adventure, entertainment, learning and more. But where do you start?

In this post, I will outline some of the best activities and experiences retirees in Singapore can enjoy in the coming years.

From outdoor adventures to exciting cultural tours and leisurely classes – there’s something for everyone, no matter what kind of retirement experience you’re dreaming about.

Let’s get started.

1. Start a business

Starting a business after retirement in Singapore can be very rewarding, and there are many incentives available for entrepreneurs of all ages.

The government offers a range of support programs such as grants, subsidies, loans, and consulting services.

With the right guidance, you can start up your own business easily too.

First, decide what type of business you would like to launch.

Consider what industry you want to focus on, the role you want to play, the resources you have access to, and the kind of customers you would like to target.

Singapore is home to many international businesses, and there are plenty of opportunities to launch a venture.

After selecting a suitable business idea, conduct extensive research into local regulations and laws in order to determine how best to proceed with your venture.

You may need specific licences or permits depending on the type of service or product offered. It is also important to obtain general liability insurance before commencing any operations.

Create an effective marketing strategy before introducing your products or services into the market by leveraging digital platforms such as social media and search engine optimisation (SEO).

It is crucial for any small business owner starting in Singapore to establish an online presence so that potential customers can find them easily.

Advertise promotions regularly to attract attention from potential clients and convert more leads into sales.

2. Work for fun

Once you retire in Singapore, there are plenty of opportunities to work while still having fun.

Working part-time or on a contract basis gives you the flexibility to choose when and how much you want to work.

Not only can this help your bank account, but it can also provide social interactions with like-minded people as well as new skills and experiences.

If your ultimate goal is to find a fulfilling activity that ticks all the boxes for retired life, why not look for hobbies that pay?

These activities could be anything from teaching classes or taking online surveys to freelancing online or converting old books into digital formats.

I’ve also met and talked to many Grab/GoJek drivers, security guards, and food delivery riders who are working after retirement just to kill time, meet new people, and have fun.

If you did your retirement planning right, there’s no need to worry about your finances, and you can work without any stress!

3. Become a mentor

Become a mentor after retirement in Singapore by joining a local mentoring organisation.

Mentoring provides an opportunity for knowledge sharing and encourages the exchange of ideas between people from different generations.

It also allows retirees to positively impact young people’s lives by passing down valuable wisdom and experience.

A mentor can provide advice, guidance, and support to someone who is just beginning their journey into adulthood.

Retirees can join mentorship programmes that match them with individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life, allowing them to enjoy meaningful connections with others as well as contribute to their communities in a meaningful way.

Mentors must first apply to be part of these organisations or programs that match them up with their potential mentees.

Once accepted, they will undertake training sessions before being matched with mentees that suit their interests and background the most.

Ongoing support will continue throughout the duration of the relationship, providing both parties with valuable insights into and opportunities for growth; this could range from business advice to career development discussions or mental wellness workshops.

At the end of it all, veterans share valuable experiences gained during their past occupations while passing down wisdom that can shape future generations — resulting in relationships that last a lifetime.

There are paid mentorship options too, so if you’re good at your field, you might be able to find a mentee who’s willing to pay for your guidance.

4. Become a teacher

Retirees in Singapore can choose to become a teacher after retirement.

Becoming a teacher allows retirees to stay connected with the community and pass on their knowledge and expertise in their field of work.

It is also an opportunity for them to mentor younger generations, impart wisdom from their life experience, and give back to the community.

Retirees can become lecturers at universities, and adult education institutes, or teach voluntarily at various organisations.

Teaching opportunities also include jobs such as assisting primary or secondary school students with academics or providing teaching assistance for adults who wish to develop their skills further.

Those interested in being a teacher should contact local education boards to learn more about the requirements and ensure they meet qualifications like having the right credentials and experience.

Those with teaching experience will find obtaining positions as tutors or teachers easier.

Retirees must keep their minds active by engaging in activities they enjoy, and what better way than by sharing knowledge with others!

Retirees can find meaningful work while positively impacting younger generations’ lives – something unique and special that will last far beyond retirement years.

5. Discover places you’ve always dreamed of visiting

One of the best ways to celebrate retirement in Singapore is to travel the world!

While there are various destinations around the globe for retirees, Europe, America, and Asia are some of the most popular places to visit.

Retirees can explore everything from art galleries and museums to quaint villages and historical sites when travelling to Europe.

Take a cruise down the Mediterranean Sea or catch an opera show in Vienna – there’s something special for everyone!

Want to explore North America and Canada?

Enjoy a relaxing cruise down the coasts of British Columbia, or take a road trip through California. Plenty of natural beauty and unique attractions will create memories that last a lifetime.

Retirees can also choose to explore the mysterious lands of Asia – from the vibrant cityscapes of Tokyo and Seoul, to trekking through ancient temples in Cambodia and Burma.

Not only do they have some of the most stunning sights, but they also offer some intriguing cultural experiences as well!

Travelling is one of the best ways for retired folks in Singapore to enjoy their newfound freedom – so why not take advantage?

Pack your bags and set off on an unforgettable journey – new cultures, exotic cuisines and stunning landscapes await!

6. Volunteer for a good cause

One of the best ways to spend retirement in Singapore is to volunteer for a good cause. In Singapore, many organisations are dedicated to working in key areas, such as education and social welfare.

By helping with their efforts, retirees can make a difference and give back to their local community.

In addition, volunteering can provide retired individuals with leadership opportunities, allowing them to develop new skills and help build meaningful relationships with other volunteers and the beneficiaries of their work.

Through working together with like-minded individuals of all ages, retirees can form friendships that can last well beyond retirement.

Volunteering is ideal for those retirees who still enjoy physical activity or want some direction after retirement.

Many organisations also look for people with expertise or experience in specific fields, which could be the perfect way to leverage your post-retirement knowledge.

At the same time, volunteering offers invaluable mental stimulation by providing an outlet to combat boredom associated with leisure time.

By taking on roles within voluntary work, you benefit from engaging in activities while simultaneously contributing positively to society!

7. Learn new skills

Retirement is a great time to learn new skills and stay ahead of the curve.

Singapore has a wealth of training programs and courses available for retirees to explore. It’s never too late to delve into something new and expand your horizons.

From language courses, cooking classes, DIY workshops, computer training courses and more, there are plenty of options for any level or interest.

Learning something new in retirement helps you stay engaged with the world and can open up opportunities for fun or even a side career.

If you’re retired and looking for an exciting hobby or want to pick up a skill to get ahead in life – Singapore provides plenty of options for those seeking dynamic classes, seminars or lectures on a wide range of topics.

Learning about the latest trends in technology or developing a business venture can be incredibly rewarding and help you stay involved in the community.

Whether you’re looking to advance your personal growth goals or have some fun exploring different activities, check out what else is out today!

8. Find a hobby

Finding a hobby after retirement can be an excellent way to make the most of your newfound free time and stay busy in Singapore.

Whether you’re a passionate gardener or a history lover, there are plenty of activities and classes to explore.

Taking part in an activity that you enjoy can also help to keep your mind active. Popular hobbies among Singaporeans include cooking, art classes, photography and yoga.

Joining art classes and workshops at the local museum or community centre is a great way to try something new while learning a skill at the same time.

You could also join hobby clubs and meetup groups with like-minded people to share experiences, learn from one another and have fun together.

For example, if you’re a fan of hiking or nature walks, go on guided hikes around various conservation parks in Singapore and explore parts of the city that many tourists miss out on seeing!

Whether you’re into birdwatching or pottery wheel throwing, find a hobby that suits your interests and makes retirement even more enjoyable.

You never know who you might meet along the way!

9. Stay Healthy After Retirement

Retirement is a time to focus on yourself and your health.

Staying healthy after retirement in Singapore is possible by leading a balanced lifestyle that involves exercise, proper nutrition, and activities to maintain cognitive health.

Engaging in regular physical activity helps keep your body strong and active, promoting better cardiorespiratory fitness, increasing muscle mass, preventing falls and promoting mental well-being.

Strength exercises such as weight training should be done 2 to 3 times a week while including flexibility exercises like yoga and tai chi into the routine will improve balance and agility.

Nutrition is essential for healthy ageing and maintaining physical activity levels – aim for a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nutritious sources of protein such as lean meats, eggs, or beans.

Eating out can be essential to socialising, but limiting fast food will help maintain energy levels by avoiding excessive fats and sugars from unhealthy processed foods.

Finally, engaging in mentally stimulating activities can help seniors stay sharp, improve memory skills, and ward off age-related diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

Participating in workshops such as computer classes provides useful skills to fend off isolation, boredom, or depression, which retirees may experience during this period.

10. Bond with your family

After retirement, many Singaporeans think about how to spend more quality time with their family.

Bonding with your family is an excellent way to enjoy life after retirement in Singapore. One suggestion to bond with your family is having regular Friday or weekend outings.

Spend a day at the beach or head out for lunch, a movie, and other fun activities.

Sharing new experiences together is an opportunity for parents and grandparents to get to know each other better and learn more about each other’s interests.

You can also take up hobbies together to strengthen bonds within the family.

Gardening is a great activity because it encourages you to work together in planning and caring for plants while spending time outdoors admiring nature.

Board games are always popular because they require teamwork and critical thinking skills, which helps foster communication between generations.

Another thing you can do is host gatherings such as pot-luck dinners to bring the extended families closer together, allowing the young kids and grandchildren to get better acquainted.

Lastly, consider scheduling regular visits with extended friends and relatives living overseas – not only will you make beautiful memories, but these precious moments also deepen relationships over distance.

11. Relocate seasonally

One of the best ways to stay active and enjoy life after retirement in Singapore is to relocate seasonally – yes, it’s a weird thing to suggest for a retirement article in Singapore.

But we all have to agree that there’s not much to do here, right? And relocating for retirement seems to be pretty common amongst some retirees too!

Retirees can experience different cultures, sights, and sounds while still having the convenience of staying close to their home – think Malaysia or Indonesia!

Relocating seasonally is a great way to take advantage of minimal utility costs and low-cost seasonal rental accommodations.

It also lets retirees take advantage of exciting travel opportunities that may have been out of reach financially during their working years.

Retirees who choose to relocate seasonally can enjoy a variety of experiences, from tropical beaches in Southeast Asia to historical sites in Europe.

Or for those looking for a quieter atmosphere, there are plenty of options, such as small towns or nature preserves.

For retirees looking for an affordable way to explore their new country, relocating seasonally provides access to areas that would otherwise be inaccessible or too costly otherwise.

Imagine paying $1,000 for your 2-way flight for a 1-week trip vs a 1-month trip – which seems more tempting?

12. Get the pet you always wanted

Retirement is a great time for many people to get the pet they always wanted.

If you’re looking for companionship and joy in your retirement years, there are many options in Singapore to consider.

First, you should decide what kind of pet would be best for you and your lifestyle.

Cats are typically low-maintenance animals, who only require food and love, while dogs need more regular care and attention.

Talk to your family members before making a decision – owning a pet can be expensive, and everyone should agree on who will take care of them if needed.

Don’t forget that owning a pet means accepting responsibility for its health and wellbeing – which can come at an additional cost!

Make sure you’re financially prepared before deciding to adopt, as vet bills can add up in no time.

However, if you’re ready for the challenge, turning your retirement years into ‘cuddle with pets’ time sounds like a great idea!

Finally, after bringing home your new pet make sure to give them lots of love and patience as they adjust to their new home.

Remember that it may take some time for them to get used to a regular routine or until they’re comfortable with their surroundings – but with love from their owner, these cuddly creatures will soon become one of your best friends!

13. Make new friends

Making new friends after retirement can be a wonderful way to make life more meaningful and enjoyable in Singapore.

One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a local interest or hobby group, such as a hiking or photography club.

These activities allow you to share your passion and interests, while also making new connections along the way.

Another great way to make new friends after retirement is through volunteering opportunities.

Many organisations need help with various projects, so you can use your skills and experience to make a difference in your community.

Volunteering is an excellent way to keep active while meeting other like-minded individuals.

Countless social activities are available where people can meet socially and enjoy shared interests.

Retirees have ample opportunities to connect and socialise with others from line dancing classes to theatre groups and night markets.

Making new friends after retirement can open up possibilities for more fulfilling activities and relationships in Singapore.

Not convinced? Just befriend your neighbours and those you meet in your neighbourhood.

I regularly see the elderly in my community talking to each other and making new friends in the coffee shop! If they can do it so can you!

14. Legacy Planning

Legacy planning is a great way to ensure that your hard-earned assets are passed down to the right people in the right way.

For those planning for retirement in Singapore, legacy planning can help protect your wealth and plan for a secure financial future.

The first step in legacy planning is to create an estate plan. This includes setting up a will, trust or other legal documents to ensure your wishes are respected after you pass away.

For those with estates in multiple countries, having an estate plan is especially important as it allows you to designate which laws will govern your estate when you die.

You should also set up trusts and other structures to ensure that your beneficiaries receive their inheritance quickly and efficiently.

That way, you can rest assured knowing that your money is being handled properly after you’re gone.

Finally, consider putting some funds into annuities or endowment plans. These investments can help cover medical costs and provide income after retirement so that loved ones aren’t burdened by the costs of caring for you later on in life.

Having life insurance policies can also help your family financially when you pass on or even be a gift to them.

If you have any debt, life insurance can help your family take care of these too.

With all these pieces put together, you can have peace of mind knowing that your legacy will be preserved long after you pass away.

With careful planning, retirees in Singapore can enjoy their golden years and leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Legacy planning gives seniors the confidence of knowing their hard-earned money is protected and will benefit future generations after they’re gone.

Interested? We partner with MAS-licensed financial advisors to help you with this.


In conclusion, Singapore offers many opportunities for retirees looking to stay active and engaged in their post-career lives.

Whether it’s taking up a new hobby or spending time with old friends, there is something here for everyone to enjoy.

Life after retirement in Singapore can be full of adventure and exploration if you take the time to find it.

So, if you’re approaching or have already entered retirement age, don’t let your years of accumulated wisdom go to waste!

There are plenty of opportunities for fun and fulfilment that await you in Singapore.

With some preparation and creativity, it can be an enjoyable journey into your next chapter of life.

Picture of Jaslyn Ng
Jaslyn Ng
Jaslyn began her finance journey as a ghostwriter for global websites, fostering a unique perspective on the subject. Now at Dollar Bureau's helm, she approaches finance through the everyday Singaporean lens. Her leadership ensures content is both relatable and easy to understand, making complex topics accessible to all.

Disclaimer: Each article written obtained its information from reliable sources and should be purely used for informational purposes only. The information provided by Dollar Bureau and its affiliated parties is not meant to be construed as financial advice. Dollar Bureau shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies, mistakes, omissions, and losses incurred should you act upon any information listed on this website. We recommend readers to seek financial planning advice from qualified financial advisors. 

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