NTUC Enhanced IncomeShield Review: Basic, Advantage, Preferred

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Review: Basic, Advantage, Preferred

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NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield review

1 of 7 integrated shield plans available in Singapore, the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield complements your MediShield Life coverage.

Unlike most integrated shield plans, the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield is available for Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents, and foreigners with valid work pass.

As with all shield plans, you can opt to pay your premiums using your MediSave account.

In this post, we reviewed the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield plan.

Keep reading.

My Review On NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield

The NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield plans are cheaply priced (the lowest in the market) and offer great value in terms of the annual limit.

The plans across the board are great if you’re looking for those looking to pay the least for their health insurance premiums and value-seekers.

However, if you’re looking for the highest claim limits, then the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield isn’t for your. Consider the HSBC Life Shield Plan instead.

The AIA HealthShield Gold Max is great for those looking for the longest pre- and post-hospitalisation coverage for panel specialists. For non-panel the HSBC Life Shield Plan is best.

As you can tell, depending on what you’re looking for, different shield plans would suit you better.

And the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield is definitely for you if budget is a concern.

If budget isn’t a constraint, there may be a lot more plans available with benefits and/or features that are more applicable to you.

We recommend reading our list of the best Integrated Shield Plans and the best Integrated Shield Plan Riders to find out what suits you most.

Otherwise, it’s best to talk to a financial advisor to recommend what’s best for you.

We partner with financial advisors to help you with this (and your claims).

Let’s now explore what the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield offers.

Available Plans – Basic, Advantage, Preferred

The NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield offers 3 major plans for different wards.

Here’s a table to summarise the key differences between each plan:

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Ward Pre-hospitalisation cover Post-hospitalisation cover Annual coverage limit Annual premium*
Basic Class B1 100 days 100 days S$250,000 $44
Advantage Class A 100 days 100 days S$500,000 $74
Preferred Private hospital 100 days (180 days if you use a healthcare provider on their panel) 100 days (180 days if you use a healthcare provider on their panel) S$1.5 million $225

*Premiums for non-smoking males between the age of 31 to 35.

Here is a table provided by NTUC Income indicating the benefits under each plan.

ntuc income enhanced incomeshield benefits table

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred Plan

The ward entitlement for the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred Plan is a standard room in private hospitals with an annual coverage limit of S$1,500,000.

The preferred plan treatments coverage includes the below treatments.


  • Emergency overseas treatment: As charged, limited to costs of Singapore private hospitals
  • Planned overseas treatment: Not covered
  • Pre-hospitalisation treatment: Up to 180 days
  • Post-hospitalisation treatment: Up to 365 days



  • Chemotherapy: As charged
  • Immunotherapy: As charged
  • Renal dialysis: As charged
  • Post-hospitalisation follow-up
  • TCM treatment is not covered


Despite the fact that the policy states that hospitalisation expenses will be paid in full “As Charged,” reimbursement of these eligible costs is subject to coinsurance, deductibles, ward classes, and plan benefit limits.

Here is a table to highlight the differences between the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred and other Integrated Shield Plans for private hospitals:

Integrated Shield Plan (IP) Annual Premium for Age Next Birthday

(31 – 35)

Pre Hospitalisation Coverage Post Hospitalisation Coverage Annual Claim Limit Cost-Benefit Ratio
AIA Healthshield Gold Max A $360 13 months 13 months $2,000,000 $5,555.56
AXA Shield Plan A $292 180 days 365 days $2,500,000 $8,561.64
Singlife with Aviva MyShield Plan 1 $409 180 days 365 days $2,000,000 $4,889.98
Great Eastern Supreme Health P Plus $322 120 days 365 days $1,500,000 $4,658.39
NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred $225 180 days 365 days $1,500,000 $6,666.67
Prudential PRUShield Premier $300 180 days 365 days $1,200,000 $4,000.00
Raffles Health Insurance Raffles Shield Private $339 180 days 365 days $1,500,000 $4,424.78
Raffles Health Insurance A with Raffles Hospital Option $223 180 days 365 days $600,000 $2,690.58

When it comes to premiums the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Preferred is the most affordable in this category.

Likewise, the cost-to-benefit ratio of $6,666.67 indicates that it’s a good value for money – in fact, in terms of value for money, it’s ranked second just behind AXA’s Shield Plan A.

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Advantage Plan

The ward entitlement for the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Advantage Plan is restricted to restructured hospitals for ward class A and below.

This policy has an annual coverage limit of S$500,000.

Here’s the table of premiums and benefits for shield plans covering Class A wards:

Integrated Shield Plan (IP) Annual Premium for

Age Next Birthday

(31 – 35)

Pre Hospitalisation Coverage Post Hospitalisation Coverage Annual Claim Limit Cost-Benefit Ratio

(Annual Claim Limit/Annual Premium)

AIA Healthshield Gold Max B $168 180 days 180 days $1,000,000 $5952.38
AXA Shield Plan B $156 180 days 365 days $550,000 $3525.64
Singlife with Aviva MyShield Plan 2 $168 180 days 365 days $1,000,000 $5952.38
Great Eastern Supreme Health A Plus $106 – $123 180 days 365 days $1,000,000 $9433.96
NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Advantage Plan $74 100 days 100 days $500,000 $6756.76
Prudential PRUShield Plus $119 180 days 365 days $600,000 $5042.02
Raffles Health Insurance Raffles Shield A $112 180 days 365 days $600,000 $5357.14
Raffles Health Insurance Raffles Shield A with Raffles Hospital Option $223 180 days 365 days $600,000 $2690.58

From the table, it’s evident that the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Advantage Plan is the cheapest plan under this category at only $74 for non-smoking males aged 31-35.

Yet again, the cost-to-benefit ratio is the second highest at $6756.76, but this time just behind Great Eastern’s Supreme Health A Plus.

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Basic Plan

The basic plan provides you coverage for public/restructured hospitals in wards class B1 and below. The policy annual limit is set at a maximum of S$250,000.

Here’s the table of premiums and benefits for shield plans Class B1 wards.

Integrated Shield Plan (IP) Annual Premium for

Age Next Birthday

(31 – 35)

Pre Hospitalisation Coverage Post Hospitalisation Coverage Annual Claim Limit Cost-Benefit Ratio
AIA Healthshield Gold Max B Lite $102 100 days 100 days $300,000 $2941.18
Singlife with Aviva MyShield Plan 3 $100 180 days 365 days $500,000 $5000
Great Eastern Supreme Health B Plus $77 – $80 180 days 365 days $500,000 $6493.51
NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Basic (Class B1 wards) $62 100 days 100 days $250,000 $5681.82
Raffles Health Insurance Raffles Shield B $83 90 days 90 days $300,000 $3614.46

If you’re looking for a bargain, the NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Basic is a good choice since the premium once again is the lowest.

Similarly, in terms of value, it’s the second best again with $5,681.82 coverage for every dollar spent, just behind Great Eastern’s Supreme Health B Plus.

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Riders

There are 2 riders you can add to your plan.

Deluxe Care Rider

This rider can be added to all NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield plans (Preferred, Advantage, and Basic plan). Like all riders, you need the main policies first before purchasing them.

It keeps your cash expenses on hospital bills as low as possible in the following ways;

ntuc income enhanced incomeshield deluxe care rider

Classic Care Rider

Using the Classic Care Rider, you can minimise your hospital expenses in the following ways:

ntuc income enhanced incomeshield classic care rider

How to Make Claims from NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield?

Your MediShield Life Scheme hospitalisation claim can be submitted electronically if you received treatment at a participating medical institution.

The forms you need to submit include Medical Claims Authorisation Forms, IncomeShield Letters of Guarantee, and Hospital Admission Authorisation Forms.

You can claim pre- or post-hospitalisation benefits by filling out the outpatient claim form and sending it to your insurance agent, Income’s claim service centre, or at any Income branch.

Frankly, this is what your agent should be helping you with when you purchase for them. So just ask your agent to help with the claims.

NTUC Income Enhanced IncomeShield Claims Duration

integrated shield plan claims time

According to MOH, NTUC Income takes 0 to 1 day to process your claims. This is on par with other health insurers in the industry.

However, there have been mixed reviews about the claims process on Seedly whereby customers mention that the claims process is cumbersome and takes a long time before they get reimbursed.

On the other hand, those who managed to claim smoothly did it with the help of their financial advisors.

So make sure you can trust whomever you bought your policy from.

Picture of Jaslyn Ng
Jaslyn Ng
Jaslyn began her finance journey as a ghostwriter for global websites, fostering a unique perspective on the subject. Now at Dollar Bureau's helm, she approaches finance through the everyday Singaporean lens. Her leadership ensures content is both relatable and easy to understand, making complex topics accessible to all.

Disclaimer: Each article written obtained its information from reliable sources and should be purely used for informational purposes only. The information provided by Dollar Bureau and its affiliated parties is not meant to be construed as financial advice. Dollar Bureau shall not be held liable for any inaccuracies, mistakes, omissions, and losses incurred should you act upon any information listed on this website. We recommend readers to seek financial planning advice from qualified financial advisors. 

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